Friday, February 22, 2008

This Is What Leadership Looks Like!

The last few moments in the debate were important for Democrats and for Americans when Hillary captivated the audience in Texas and nationwide with her courage and her strength. It takes a statesperson to stop the madness of the press and the interest groups that are gleeful when we argue about minor differences in policy or lifting parts of speeches for use. It takes a leader to not attack an opponent but to leave the question for the voter. It takes a leader to reach not just across to her opponent and shake hands but to understand that the goal of unifying the party is paramount to her personal goal.

It’s interesting that both candidates propose almost identical agendas for the future. The male press, with their misogynist filters, attempt to throw Hillary under the bus, driven by the Obamacans, not because she is a horrible candidate but because they just don’t get it that a woman, yes, this woman, could be president. The press feed our fears about who is “electable”. That “code” leads the public, as press intends, to the inevitable “Bill Clinton” phobia. The male press feed the fears of re-living those years, when the Republicans, not Bill Clinton, made life for all of us miserable. It was the Republicans, not Bill Clinton who led the very public hunt for wrong doing that resulted not in deposing the president, but as I recall, the departure of several Republican elected officials when it was discovered that they couldn’t muster the high moral bar they had set for Bill Clinton.

Both of these candidates stand for change. Both are good people. Both are strong candidates. The questions are: Who can in fact bring the change we need and want? How can we, not the press decide that issue? If the press were fair, or even appeared to be fair and balanced, in their treatment of the candidates and the issues, the choice would be ours to make on facts not hype or a misogynist slant. But then, if frogs had wings, they wouldn’t bump their behinds when they jumped.

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