ABC and the rest of the nasty boys really are perplexed that Hillary is still there working to win the nomination. Fluff pieces are much easier to run because these angry nasty men on the discussion boards do their job for them and the other “nasty boys club”. These so-called journalist keep the gender question stirred and raise the questions that bring out the vitriolic hatred toward women, i.e. misogyny, and lay it out for the entire world to see. I think it’s great. It’s done more to motivate Hillary’s base than any tactic she can come up with. I hope they keep it coming. It reminds all of us how much more there is to do and that every contribution to her campaign, no matter how small, will help to extinguish this hatred.
Hillary just released two new videos “One In A Million” that demonstrates that women from all races and walks of life in Texas are in fact pitching in to work for her campaign and “This One Is for Ann”, remembers Ann Richards. The male dominated press says little about Hillary that is positive. These videos tell a different story from a different perspective.
These nasty guys are the whiners and the losers and their hatred of women is soooo evident. These pieces do a lot to embolden these men to take that hatred out on women. If they write these nasty remarks, we should wonder what they are doing in their homes, dorms and on the streets. This “locker room” that the media provides allows these men to gather and “get it on” as they rant hateful remarks about women. The so-called press sits back in amusement and calls this journalism. For the women who demean Hillary, I hope they will stop and think about their lives and the lives of other women and how they are being co-opted into this hatred cycle. If they don’t like Hillary and don’t agree with her stands, then don’t vote for her, work against her, but for the sake of a younger generation of women, don’t get sucked into the game of misogyny that the boys are gaming.
If comparable pieces were run on Obama and similar remarks were made about him, these guys in the "press" would be shut down and they would be, with a lot of other Americans, on the unemployment line. Now there’s a thought.
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