Friday, February 29, 2008

Free Political Ads!

Free ads for Obama! Take a look at the misogynist remarks on any of the “discussion” boards. What a great way for insecure, frustrated women and men to vent their frustrations that a strong woman isn’t backing down, submitting to the Democrat machine of “play nice” for the party and giving in to the pressure from the media bias. What great free advertising for Obama!

ABC and the rest of the nasty boys really are perplexed that Hillary is still there working to win the nomination. Fluff pieces are much easier to run because these angry nasty men on the discussion boards do their job for them and the other “nasty boys club”. These so-called journalist keep the gender question stirred and raise the questions that bring out the vitriolic hatred toward women, i.e. misogyny, and lay it out for the entire world to see. I think it’s great. It’s done more to motivate Hillary’s base than any tactic she can come up with. I hope they keep it coming. It reminds all of us how much more there is to do and that every contribution to her campaign, no matter how small, will help to extinguish this hatred.

Hillary just released two new videos “One In A Million” that demonstrates that women from all races and walks of life in Texas are in fact pitching in to work for her campaign and “This One Is for Ann”, remembers Ann Richards. The male dominated press says little about Hillary that is positive. These videos tell a different story from a different perspective.

These nasty guys are the whiners and the losers and their hatred of women is soooo evident. These pieces do a lot to embolden these men to take that hatred out on women. If they write these nasty remarks, we should wonder what they are doing in their homes, dorms and on the streets. This “locker room” that the media provides allows these men to gather and “get it on” as they rant hateful remarks about women. The so-called press sits back in amusement and calls this journalism. For the women who demean Hillary, I hope they will stop and think about their lives and the lives of other women and how they are being co-opted into this hatred cycle. If they don’t like Hillary and don’t agree with her stands, then don’t vote for her, work against her, but for the sake of a younger generation of women, don’t get sucked into the game of misogyny that the boys are gaming.

If comparable pieces were run on Obama and similar remarks were made about him, these guys in the "press" would be shut down and they would be, with a lot of other Americans, on the unemployment line. Now there’s a thought.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Will We Be Good Girls and Fall In Line?

This race for the Presidency in 2008 isn’t about race or gender. It’s about blatant disgusting misogyny in high definition for the entire world to witness. Women across the world can see that women here in this country, touted to be the model of a democracy and land of the free, are as free as the white men allow and that it is white men who control the government and they will decide who will be President.

There is little difference in white men in this country and the Taliban in Iraq and Afghanistan. Women have soundly been put in their place in this country again. The white male media controls the politics and the slant of every story that runs over and over and over again. The media is saturated with their contempt of women evidenced by the tone and their inability to even begin to glean understanding of their blatant misogyny.

Will Obama win? Hillary can’t possibly continue to fight on so many fronts effectively. Her every action, taken or not taken is slanted to demean and belittle her as a politician. The crescendo from the white male press adds to the feeding frenzy around Obama and contributes to the mystic. He is a good speaker, but in reality no better than a lot of the Sunday morning pulpit lecturers. As the white boys sit and listen mesmerized by his accomplishments, i.e. being able to speak well, they see no deficits, only high praise for little substance. Meanwhile the public laps up the warm media milk like calves in the darkness.

Many women will abandon Hillary because the media says it’s over and the threat of four more years of the Republicans will in fact destroy this country, so let’s “heal the party” and moveon. We women are after all looked upon as compliant and healers of the “family”. We are expected to do what is right and best for all. We are expected to submit to the higher good, for all, except us!

Women have fought to regain our rights since we lost them thousands of years ago, when civilizations were matriarchal. The ancient memory of a different more peaceful way of life lies dormant in many our minds. Every now and then there is a bright ray of hope that manages to shine through the misogyny, warm us up a bit and even give us a glimpse of hope. Admittedly, it is difficult for many in my generation of wanting it all and thinking that anything is possible, to accept defeat, accept repression again and accept that little has changed in the minds of many over such a long period of time. These two concepts; Acceptance of Defeat Again and Understanding this Misogyny, are difficult for me to reconcile these days.

The assumption that all of the women supporters of Hillary will bow to Obama is grossly over estimated. Many may finally be able to see that neither party in fact stands for their values in a so called democracy. Many may be too busy to vote in the general election. Many may write in a name in protest in the general election. And, many may fall in line and be “good girls” because they believe they have acted independently reciting the media reasoning mantras for allowing them to vote for Obama: “We don’t have to vote for a woman just because she is a woman. We can vote for the “best candidate”; The candidate that is “best for the job” “The candidate that can unify the country”.

We can in fact vote for Obama in the general election, if he is the nominee. There is nothing to stop us and the milk is about the right temperature for human consumption. Slurp!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Is It Over, Before It's Over?

I don’t hear the fat lady singing but I see the old men herding protectively around their boy Obama. There is much talk of Hillary "pitching it in" and "giving up". Many of the guys are saying, “It’s over”, although neither Obama nor Hillary have the votes to win the nomination. I’ve thought through why I’m voting for Hillary. It’s simple and yet it’s not. So, I put together a little video and put it on YouTube to remind me later on why I fought this fight, regardless of the outcome.

The party line is “It’s for the good of the party” that she should quit. That reminds many of us of the old days when we weren’t really expected to perform. I have to say, I’m more than a little tweaked at the old men of the party. This election has shown us that this isn’t the grand old party but it is much the same old politics. Oh, I know Obama is running on “change”. Well, I would like a change from the boys deciding who will run as a Democrat. I’d like to see the process work like it is “supposed” to work. Maybe, just maybe it’s never worked that way. Maybe, just maybe this is all a hoax to keep us in line, you know hopeful. Will Obama win? Will Hillary pitch it in for the good of the party? I hope not.

I do believe that Will Rogers had the best assessment of the party when he was asked, “Are you a member of any organized political party?”
“No, I’m a Democrat”. Ditto.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hillary - Powerful Visionary

Who will bring the change we need?

Obama paints Hillary with the “status quo” brush and everyone is happy to be on board his train fueled not by his powerful original rhetoric but the words that inspired a generation before him to take action that made it possible for him to run for President. Hillary has already been where Obama is. She has already been inspired to action and she has already taken brave decisive action and faced the consequences of those actions. Obama has yet to stand on new ground, to leave his footprints on any new battle ground, to suffer any wounds and recover and fight again. That's the insult so many feel when we hear those words spoken by a “wanna be warrior”.

Hillary has always been proud of her country and has taken on issues when they were not popular. It was Hillary, not Obama that as a lone woman Washington outsider marched into the halls of Congress and began the talks with both sides of the aisle about health care. She made a difference for all Americans. She made it possible for Obama to talk about universal health care as a result of her action that many paint as a failure. It's easy for Obama to be the Monday morning quarterback, he wasn’t there. Obama has done those “usual inspiring things” that many citizens of my generation see ordinary citizens doing everyday. It was Hillary who went to China, as First Lady and spoke out for the rights of ALL women and demanded in China that our rights are human rights.

Hillary is powerful and will take us to new frontiers that Obama has yet to glimpse, because she has already been where he is now. In fact he is the “status quo”. Hillary is the visionary, the fearless powerful leader and who will lead this country and the world to a better place.

It’s easy to stand tall and speak out when many surround you and chant your chant. It takes a powerful leader to take us to into the new frontiers, to break new ground, in new territories and to not be fearful but fearless. It takes a powerful leader to heal not just the wounds inflicted in the fabric of this country but to see and feel the pain suffered by citizens in many countries. It takes a powerful leader to stand alone and fight the fight and even in failure to rise again, to fight again. We’ve watched Hillary Clinton be fearless, fight and lose and continue the fight. We’ve watched Hillary Clinton, stand on the Senate floor, not at a peace rally, and vote and state her reasons for her vote. She, more that the other 76 Senators, has stood against repeated personal attacks for that vote, despite the fact that it was George Bush and not Hillary Clinton and the other 76 unnamed Senators who deceived the citizens of this country and lead us to where we are now. If there was a mistake, it lays at the feet of those who voted for George Bush.

Obama chants the Kennedy theme without understanding that negotiating out of fear, isn’t the issue, but rather negotiating from power is the winning position. He chants lines from Martin L. King that led a generation before him to take action. Obama fails to understand that it takes a powerful leader to not just inspire, with the words of others but to speak from your heart with clarity, with your words to inspire and call to action your fellow citizens to face a fierce battle with you to right wrongs. Obama is naive to think that we all just talk and reach an agreement. He is naive to think that talk with anyone without a plan will protect America. Can this powerful woman be stopped? Certainly the forces in this country are putting forth their best efforts. Multitudes of women share the hope that the next generation of women will be allowed to be even more powerful than this "girl".

Friday, February 22, 2008

This Is What Leadership Looks Like!

The last few moments in the debate were important for Democrats and for Americans when Hillary captivated the audience in Texas and nationwide with her courage and her strength. It takes a statesperson to stop the madness of the press and the interest groups that are gleeful when we argue about minor differences in policy or lifting parts of speeches for use. It takes a leader to not attack an opponent but to leave the question for the voter. It takes a leader to reach not just across to her opponent and shake hands but to understand that the goal of unifying the party is paramount to her personal goal.

It’s interesting that both candidates propose almost identical agendas for the future. The male press, with their misogynist filters, attempt to throw Hillary under the bus, driven by the Obamacans, not because she is a horrible candidate but because they just don’t get it that a woman, yes, this woman, could be president. The press feed our fears about who is “electable”. That “code” leads the public, as press intends, to the inevitable “Bill Clinton” phobia. The male press feed the fears of re-living those years, when the Republicans, not Bill Clinton, made life for all of us miserable. It was the Republicans, not Bill Clinton who led the very public hunt for wrong doing that resulted not in deposing the president, but as I recall, the departure of several Republican elected officials when it was discovered that they couldn’t muster the high moral bar they had set for Bill Clinton.

Both of these candidates stand for change. Both are good people. Both are strong candidates. The questions are: Who can in fact bring the change we need and want? How can we, not the press decide that issue? If the press were fair, or even appeared to be fair and balanced, in their treatment of the candidates and the issues, the choice would be ours to make on facts not hype or a misogynist slant. But then, if frogs had wings, they wouldn’t bump their behinds when they jumped.